Sunday 9 November 2014

halloween costume making

Silent hill nurse costume:

The first thing I made for this was the mask, as it was the part that would take the longest.

I made this out of modroc so that it would keep its shape, I basically just put a plastic bag (with eye and mouth holes) over my head then started applying strips of wet modroc around my face to get a basic shape to build up on. I made sure that I didn't go to far around the back of my head or to far under my chin because if I had I wouldn't have been able to get it off my head when it dried.

After the base was dry I started layering more modroc on top so that it looked like bandages stretching over each other.

Then I painted it once it was dried. At first I had painted it very dark and I didn't like it so I painted it again using lighter browns, blacks for shading and white fir highlights. This looked much better I thought. When I was wearing it I applied blood to the creases aswell for more effect.

The dress was just bought of ebay as a plain white beautician dress, then I cut it shorter and frayed the bottom and stained it brown with tea and coffee. Then I applied eyeshadow to the creases and slapped on the fake blood. I also did this to white tights and white low heeled shoes. I also made a big nurse hat using the left over fabric from the dress, this was actually glued together...but it worked. I did the same aging process on this too.

Freddy Krueger costume:

The first thing I did for this costume was make the jumper as I couldn't find one that resembled freddys one. So what I did was I cut up a red t-shirt into strips and then cut a green shirt into strips aswell. Then I started the long process of hand sewing all them strips back together again!

For the make up I used latex and tissue to build up a raised skin layer. Then I applied every day face makupe like concealer and foundation to make these raised bits look like skin. Then I applied dark red lipstick inside to create depth and make the face look burnt. I think it turned out alright for a fist attempt considering the materials i had on hand. I couldn't do the full had sbecuase i didn't have a bald cap but i think the overall costume looked good.

Madder red mask

I had to make this mask for a friend and he provided me with a basic white face mask that i had to alter. I had to cut the eyes to make them round and then i had to cut the nose off to make the mask flat. I paper mached over the entire mask, first with toilet tissue and then with white paper to make it smoother. I then handed it to another person who painted the mask!

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