Wednesday 12 November 2014

textiles peices

These pieces are my finale pieces that I made in A-level textiles in 2nd year. I just thought these were good examples of some work ive done.
My first module was about mythical creatures:

This is a dress inspired by a dragon

This dress is inspired by a phoenix,
I also made wings for this dress

This is a dress inspired by a mummy



My second module was an exam module and I picked the question about how media portrays body image, so I picked a very sensitive topic of anorexia:

The dress on the left is a dress that I originally took photos of when all the words and pictures to do with anorexia were projecting on using a light box. The dress on the right is a t-shirt that has paper mache bones underneath to represent the un healthy look.

The dress underneath was a dress inspired by the skeleton to show that when you punish your body this is what you show off.


Microbo is an artist that I really love the work of. There isn't much information on this artist on the internet, so you only really have their art to look at.

These are some small articles stating a bit of information about the artist:

They also have a website that includes their work, their projects and news about microbo:

These picyures are some of their work:


Sunday 9 November 2014

halloween costume making

Silent hill nurse costume:

The first thing I made for this was the mask, as it was the part that would take the longest.

I made this out of modroc so that it would keep its shape, I basically just put a plastic bag (with eye and mouth holes) over my head then started applying strips of wet modroc around my face to get a basic shape to build up on. I made sure that I didn't go to far around the back of my head or to far under my chin because if I had I wouldn't have been able to get it off my head when it dried.

After the base was dry I started layering more modroc on top so that it looked like bandages stretching over each other.

Then I painted it once it was dried. At first I had painted it very dark and I didn't like it so I painted it again using lighter browns, blacks for shading and white fir highlights. This looked much better I thought. When I was wearing it I applied blood to the creases aswell for more effect.

The dress was just bought of ebay as a plain white beautician dress, then I cut it shorter and frayed the bottom and stained it brown with tea and coffee. Then I applied eyeshadow to the creases and slapped on the fake blood. I also did this to white tights and white low heeled shoes. I also made a big nurse hat using the left over fabric from the dress, this was actually glued together...but it worked. I did the same aging process on this too.

Freddy Krueger costume:

The first thing I did for this costume was make the jumper as I couldn't find one that resembled freddys one. So what I did was I cut up a red t-shirt into strips and then cut a green shirt into strips aswell. Then I started the long process of hand sewing all them strips back together again!

For the make up I used latex and tissue to build up a raised skin layer. Then I applied every day face makupe like concealer and foundation to make these raised bits look like skin. Then I applied dark red lipstick inside to create depth and make the face look burnt. I think it turned out alright for a fist attempt considering the materials i had on hand. I couldn't do the full had sbecuase i didn't have a bald cap but i think the overall costume looked good.

Madder red mask

I had to make this mask for a friend and he provided me with a basic white face mask that i had to alter. I had to cut the eyes to make them round and then i had to cut the nose off to make the mask flat. I paper mached over the entire mask, first with toilet tissue and then with white paper to make it smoother. I then handed it to another person who painted the mask!

Saturday 8 November 2014

makeup testers

This is just a quick post of some little makeup testers that I did this week!

The first one I did was an exposed bone look using tissue, latex and everyday makeup like foundation and lipstick. Considering the materials I had to use I thought that it turned out pretty well, even though you can see where the latex and tissue is on the skin because of a colour difference. There is a tutorial that someone has put up on youtube showing you how to do this but with more professional materials like waxes and paints.

The second one I tried was an infected burn kind of thing. Most people use latex and cotton wool balls for things like this but I only had tissue on hand with the use of everyday face makeup too.

zombie makeup

In this post im going to show you the zombie makeup I tried out using only liquid latex, toilet roll tissue, makeup (stuff like foundation, lipstick, eyeliner) and fake blood!

firstly I did the mouth area where I wanted it to look like my mouth had ripped, I only layered latex and tissue paper for this and blended it in so it was smooth to my skin.

 I added makeup after this had dried and then did some other little cuts on my face then I sprayed black hairspray onto my face, arms and legs to make me look muddy and dirty. I back tatted my hair and put on an old tea stained nurse dress and hat from my silent hill nurse costume and added some white contact lenses

I also added a zombie bite to my arm to make the look more realistic.

                                                   I think the overall look was quite good.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Weta Workshop!

Weta Workshop is my dream workplace so I decided to do a post on this company!


This company is situated in New Zealand and was set up by Richard Taylor and his partner Tania.

The company is separated into so many categories and is such a rounded company that can offer almost anything in the way of production design. Below are the different departments:

Weta Workshop is the company behind the effects in films such as lord of the rings, The hobbit, Spider man, King Kong, Avatar and many many others. They work closely with director Peter Jackson as he helped set the company up. On the website they have a full history of the company which is an amazing display as they tell you everything that they have worked on, all the things Weta have put on, and all the Awards they have done.

Weta Workshop has won 36 awards, 5 Oscars and 4 BAFTAs.